Afternoon TEA: $203 Billion in Savings
Did you know?
A recent report from the Council of Economic Advisers found that price decreases that resulted from the American shale revolution have saved an average family of four $2,500 a year—that’s a $203 billion annual savings for U.S. consumers.
Abundant and domestic American energy sources like the gas and oil produced from shale exploration have produced jobs, fueled our economy and made us safer and less dependent on foreign energy. But, most importantly, it gives all Americans more choices and extra room in their budgets.
The report estimates that increased productivity from shale-derived energy led to a 45 percent decrease in the wholesale price of electricity. That is savings realized by all Americans but makes the most impact for those low-income families that need energy savings the most. To learn more about the benefits of American natural gas, check out the Empowerment Alliance.