Energy Security ARC - TEA

The Energy Security


American Energy Independence that is Affordable, Reliable and Clean



There are over 60 million American voters who prioritize energy affordability in their voting decisions and will support candidates who champion cost-effective energy policies. The only way to protect energy affordability is by fully utilizing the abundant natural gas resources America holds.

Energy Security is National Security

  • Strengthen national security by prioritizing domestic energy production.
  • American energy independence eliminates the influence of any foreign power on our security or national policies.
  • Embrace American energy production and manufacturing and eliminate reliance on Chinese technology for batteries, solar panels, and wind turbines.
  • Replenish our Strategic Petroleum Reserves.
  • Repeal the LNG Export Ban and encourage approvals for new export terminals.
  • Block any executive bans on hydraulic fracturing.
  • Block the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from increasing fees for drilling on public lands.

Eliminate Green Mandates

  • America leads the world in reducing emissions without government mandates on EV adoption.
  • Let American consumers decide what they want to drive and eliminate regulations forcing automakers to sell more EVs.
  • Eliminate regulations that force commercial trucking to move towards electric vehicles.
  • Reverse DOE “energy efficiency” standards that target household appliances like stoves, washer/dryers, home heating, dishwashers, and refrigerators.

Bring Down Electricity Costs

  • Eliminate Preferences for Unreliable and Expensive Electricity
  • Federal subsidies for unreliable wind and solar are driving up the cost of electricity for every American; let the marketplace determine the viability of wind and solar power.
  • Promote the building of reliable and efficient power plants using clean American natural gas, the source of U.S. world leadership in reducing carbon emissions.
  • Stabilize the grid and production by eliminating federal subsidies to encourage states to make good long term energy policy decisions.
  • Encourage investment in electricity grid infrastructure to make sure it is reliable for the future and able to withstand severe weather and cyber threats.

Bring down the cost of gasoline and diesel

  • A stable multi-decade energy policy gives confidence to producers and refiners to invest in new technologies and basins.
  • Long term stability + increased production = lower prices.
  • Refineries are essential to our transportation fuel affordability and our energy security. Our long-term policy needs to include advancing refinement along with production.

End Financial Boycotts of the American Oil and Gas Industry

  • Banks that boycott oil and gas or prioritize ESG investing should not have the protection of the federal government.