Afternoon TEA: Biden’s rhetoric doesn’t fix poor results
Did you know?
Last week, President Biden gave his first speech as president in front of the United Nations General Assembly. During his remarks, Biden rehashed many of the energy policy proposals we’ve been hearing since he took office. He bragged of the U.S. re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement. He emphasized his plan to double “our public international financing to help developing nations tackle the climate crisis.” And, of course, he brought up his administration’s goal “toward achieving a clean-energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050.”
What the President didn’t mention is what is happening in the U.S. energy world right now—because of those very policies. Gasoline prices are well above $3 for the first time in years and have increased nearly 43 percent from where they were last year. Natural gas prices have more than doubled this year—the highest increase since 2008—and continue to rise. And, as we head into the winter months, stockpiles of natural gas in the U.S. are abnormally low.
Check out our post on Facebook detailing the warning signs for an energy crisis this winter.
Rhetoric about clean-energy economies and funding other nation’s climate change plans might play well with the UN crowd, but common-sense Americans know the truth. In the short term, Biden’s damaging policies could literally put American families in crisis in the dead of winter. And, in the long term, the Green New Dealers’ policies designed to choke out our domestic natural gas production and hard-earned energy independence will only lead to more and more dependency on China, Russia, and OPEC nations, and a dire American economic future.