
Afternoon TEA: Natural Gas is Affordable American Energy
Did you know?
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality recently denied a key permit for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, effectively blocking expansion. This important pipeline would transport natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale regions to Mid and South Atlantic states where demand for natural gas continues to soar.
North Carolina has even faced spikes in electricity prices in the recent past when access to reliable and affordable natural gas was limited by insufficient pipeline capacity. And, this isn’t an issue limited to North Carolina. Access to affordable natural gas is key to American households trying to stretch their budgets. Price decreases that resulted from the American shale revolution have saved an average family of four $2,500 a year.
That’s savings that give a household more choices and can make a true difference in quality of life. Americans need increased access to reliable, low-cost energy, and short-sighted gimmicks that block that access and progress harm low-income and struggling households the most.