Biden’s push for green spending hurts America 🇺🇸
While most of us are going about our lives, a battle has been raging in Washington D.C. over government spending and the debt ceiling. In short if an agreement isn’t reached soon, the United States could default on debt payments causing dire consequences for our economy and sparking another recession.
The heart of the debate comes down to whether an increase in the debt limit should be paired with spending cuts or not. While this may seem like common-sense to most of us—if you’re already in debt, more spending isn’t really the answer—not so much for the Biden Administration.
But, really what does all of that have to do with energy? Well, over the next decade, the federal government is on track to spend nearly $3 trillion on green energy investments.
Now, to be clear, these aren’t free market, business investments. This is the government subsidizing things like wind and solar power and electric vehicles with your taxpayer dollars. All the while, they are creating burdensome regulations that drive up the cost of traditional energy sources like natural gas.
Utilities are predicting rate hikes all over the country this summer, some as high as nearly 30 percent. And, gasoline prices are still nearly 50 percent higher now than they were when Biden took office. And, the Green New Dealer’s mission to ban everyday items like natural gas stoves in our homes will only make life even more expensive for everday Americans.
So, American families end up paying on both sides to prop up expensive, inefficient, ineffective, environmentally-destructive “green” technologies that are primarily produced in China.
It may not be the whole solution to the current debt ceiling debacle in Washington, but, an extra $3 trillion, not wasted on unreliable and costly energy sources, would definitely help our leaders solve their debt and spending problems. And, in the meantime, it would most certainly help America’s fixed-income households and small business that employ 80 percent of our workforce save on their energy costs.
For more information about real energy solutions that help real people, check out TEA’s Common Sense Energy Agenda.