
Common Sense Energy: Feel-Good Lip Service vs. Common Sense Solutions
Your Weekly Dose of “Common Sense“ Energy News
Brought to you by: The Empowerment Alliance
July 16th, 2021

Kudos to Sarah Chamberlain, CEO of the Republican Main Street Partnership, for writing an op-ed encouraging Republicans to stop ceding the climate change debate to Democrats. Sarah hits the nail on the head:
The GOP has been accused by many of being the “Party of No” when it comes to climate solutions. The truth is that we are saying no to the proposals that sound good, but in reality will have no real effect on global emissions and kill American jobs. Republicans are the “Party of Yes” for solutions that balance emissions reduction with energy needs and grows, instead of hinders, the U.S. economy.
We need the electorate to know that we’re open to talking about carbon capture, tree planting and expansion of nuclear energy, which many of us prefer over wind or solar energy. Many of us do feel that President Joe Biden’s proposals around items like a clean electricity standard sound nice but they won’t have a measurable impact on the problem.
Read her full op-ed HERE.

Speaking of the Biden Administration sounding nice, the Department of Energy recently announced $52 million in taxpayer funds for hydrogen energy projects. While TEA agrees with the potential of hydrogen production technology from electrolysis, this is nothing more than a “feel good” story.
Consider this context:
The Administration is seeking $174 billion for electric vehicle charging stations. That means their $52 million “commitment” to hydrogen technology is 0.00029% of their commitment to charging stations that are of little benefit to millions of working-class Americans who cannot afford electric cars or are living in rural areas where driving on a battery isn’t practical.
If this Administration is serious about hydrogen energy, they should be investing substantially more funds toward this project instead of wasting billions in taxpayer funds on radical Green New Deal proposals that are heavily dependent on Chinese supply chains.

CNN recently ran a story about the European Union exploiting a loophole to make it appear they are reducing their emissions. To “achieve” this, corporations are cutting down and burning American trees while polluting American air. “Ultimately, Europe is not reducing emissions by burning American trees — it’s just outsourcing them to the United States.”
Just wait until CNN learns about carbon emissions in China…

Gasoline costs 44% more than one year ago. The national average is currently $3.16/gallon and was $2.20 /gallon last year.

An Array Of Climate Hearings…: On Tuesday, July 20, the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee will hold a hearing “to examine 21st century communities, focusing on climate change, resilience, and reinsurance.” On Wednesday, July 21, it’s the House Small Business Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Regulations’ hearing on small businesses’ “role in climate solutions.” Also Wednesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy hearing will address “combatting climate change in East Asia and the Pacific.”
…With A Side Of Environmental Justice: On Wednesday, July 21, the House Oversight and Reform Committee will hold a hearing titled “Building Back with Justice: Environmental Justice Is Central to the American Jobs Plan.” And, on Thursday, July 22, the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Superfund, Waste Management, and Regulatory Oversight’s hearing will “examine current issues adversely affecting environmental justice populations.”
Hearing On Forced Labor In Supply Chains: On Wednesday, July 21, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade will hold a hearing on, “The Global Challenge of Forced Labor in Supply Chains: Strengthening Enforcement and Protecting Workers.” Chinese mining of rare earth metals—key ingredients for renewable energy and electric vehicles—has been tied to forced labor and ongoing human rights abuses.