
Happy New Years from TEA! ?
Your Weekly Dose of “Common Sense“ Energy News
Presented by:
The Empowerment Alliance
December 31st, 2021
Happy New Year, our Common Sense Energy readers. This week we bring you a special holiday edition with a tale of nonsense and the havoc just one year of it can wreak on American energy and the hardworking Americans who depend on it.
Let’s start by looking back to where we were. As recently as 2019, the United States achieved net exporter status for the first time since that record was tracked. The pandemic disrupted global markets but the U.S. maintained that elite status at the beginning of this year.
Since then a whole lot of nonsense from Out of Touch Joe & Co. got us to where we are today with transitory inflation, record setting gasoline prices and unbearably expensive utility bills.
As we look forward to the new year, here’s a recap of some of that nonsense we all experienced in 2021, with hope for a more common–sense 2022…
- Early in the year President Biden canceled the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline cutting off a potentially valuable supply of critical natural resources.
- President Biden also issued an executive order to “pause new oil and natural gas leases on public lands or in offshore waters.” That order was overturned by a federal court during a lawsuit which included over a dozen states and was filed in March by Louisiana Republican Attorney General Jeff Landry. “This is a victory not only for the rule of law, but also for the thousands of workers who produce affordable energy for Americans,” Landry said in a statement.
- Unfortunately the onslaught on domestic industry continued as the Administration called for rate hikes for producers on federal lands. In response, Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), Ranking Member on the House Natural Resources Committee pointed out, “Ultimately, the American consumer will pay the price. Look no further than the skyrocketing prices you are already paying at the gas pump.”
- Throughout the year we have all heard about President Biden’s Methane Tax which thankfully looks like it has been delayed for the time being. Additional taxes and fees only hurt the consumer because the costs would just be “passed along to the homeowners and businesses that ultimately pay for the fuel cost in their energy bills.” At a time of rampant inflation, President Biden should be helping those who are struggling, not making it more expensive for them to live.
- After creating a hostile operating environment for domestic energy producers, President Biden turned to OPEC+ for help by asking them to increase supply to the global market. When OPEC+ (predictably) declined to increase production, Energy Secretary Granholm laughed in response to being asked what her plan is to increase domestic oil production. Choosing to ignore the energy independence this country recently enjoyed as a net exporter, she blamed OPEC.
- The Administration also dealt their own green-at-any-cost agenda a serious blow by ordering a burdensome environmental review that could restrict access to domestic rare earth minerals critical for components in solar panels and electric vehicles.
- Similarly, congressional Democrats stopped an amendment that would prohibit using foreign critical minerals collected using slave and child labor. The U.S has abundant natural resources, robust (although burdensome) environmental regulations and worker protections not available in countries like Russia and China. The global environment will be worse off if we continue to restrict domestic production.
- And, to top it all off, the President directed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate why energy prices and gas prices are so high, citing that oil and gas companies are to blame. Despite the President’s effort to shift the blame away from himself, the answer quite clearly results from a year of undermining American energy independence.
- But it didn’t stop there. The Administration and democratic leaders were apparently considering banning exports of crude oil and liquid natural gas. Sparking researchers, industry groups and lawmakers to publish their opposition to either move. Fingers crossed, the message seems to be getting through.
And, with all that, thankfully the year is nearly over. Let’s hope that Out of Touch Joe & Co. have finally run themselves out of nonsense, and that 2022 brings the common sense energy agenda of affordable, clean, abundant and domestic energy that American families deserve. Cheers!
Programming note: We will resume our regular schedule on January 7th, 2022. Happy New Year from everyone at The Empowerment Alliance!