It's time we tell the truth about renewables - TEA



It’s time we tell the truth about renewables

All the energy headlines in one place: Check out the TEA Newsroom for the top energy stories, updated every weekday!

TEA is excited to announce a new resource to keep you empowered with accurate information about the energy world—“Telling The Truth About Renewable Energy.”

You can expect to see facts and stats from legitimate sources, shareable interactive content, and up-to-date news about what’s really happening in the world of renewable energy. News like President Biden’s recent struggles pushing his electric vehicle agenda on an American public that’s really not interested in expensive and unreliable transportation:

  • In recent weeks, Biden’s mandates have left him between a rock and a hard place politically as he tries to shore up traditional labor support from auto workers that are not impressed with his EV agenda. A tough balance as he tries to appease the finicky green-at-all-costs crowd that keep threatening to abandon him next November.
  • In a pretty solid sign that his EV agenda is already on the rails, Biden’s Energy Department announced huge loans to prop up EV companies in Michigan, the heart of America’s auto manufacturing. But, just like us here at TEA, Michigan autoworkers know that $710 million in taxpayer money to create just 700 jobs isn’t a great deal for them or for the rest of America.
  • And, in the most jaw-dropping move yet, Biden’s administration are investigating certain Chinese-manufactured “smart” EVs that could be a national security risk by collecting sensitive information on their drivers. Shocking…or not. As TEA has been pointing out for years, putting our energy and automotive future in the hands of untrustworthy foreign governments like the Chinese will inevitably lead to dangerous consequences.

The green-at-all-costs zealots have made it nearly impossible to ask questions about renewable energy without being accused of wanting to burn down the world. But, just like everyday Americans, we at TEA believe in clean, affordable, reliable, American energy. Our “Telling The Truth About Renewable Energy” page is for those who believe we need both energy security and a clean environment. Check it out!