Jennifer Granholm, President Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Energy, appeared before the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee for a confirmation hearing. The former Michigan Governor made it clear that her priorities as head of the energy department would be to promote policies and fund research and development that threaten jobs in the natural gas industry.
When questioned about a 2016 statement she made expressing support for the opponents of the Dakota Access oil pipeline and for vowing to keep fossil fuels in the ground, Granholm stood by her comments. “I think it is important that as we develop fossil fuels that we also develop the technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” responded Granholm.
“Despite her opening remarks promising ‘No Worker Left Behind’, Jennifer Granholm repeatedly pledged her allegiance to energy alternatives that will sacrifice thousands of American jobs in the oil and gas industry. By touting a lofty goal of ‘zero carbon emissions by 2050’, the former Governor makes it clear that ravaging the affordable, clean, and abundant natural gas industry will be a pillar of her tenure as Secretary of Energy.
As Americans are struggling to keep food on the table and keep their homes warm this winter, the last thing we need is someone beholden to the Green scheme. Americans need secure, stable, and well-paying jobs, and domestic energy sources that will keep their utility bills manageable. Granholm refused to acknowledge support for any policies that would do just that.” – Ian Prior, Spokesperson
Granholm has also been lobbying hard for decades to be tapped as the Secretary of Energy, promoting herself as the “figure who can transition the U.S. to a clean energy economy.”
“‘I know the Secretary of Energy cabinet position is highly sought after, and I am certain the transition team has many terrific candidates. I’d respectfully like to add my name to the list. If I can be of service, I would be an effective and loyal and deeply committed member of the team,’ Granholm wrote to Podesta on Nov. 8, 2008.” (Melissa Nann Burke, “Email: Granholm lobbied for Obama’s energy post,” The Detroit News, 10/18/16)
In 2016, Granholm “actively promoted herself” to lead the Department of Energy. “Granholm actively promoted herself to be considered for the job, people familiar with the matter said, using her op-ed to show how Biden’s clean energy goals could fit with his desire to help rejuvenate the Rust Belt economy. She was long viewed as likely to win a slot in Hillary Clinton’s Cabinet had Clinton won the 2016 election.” (Tyler Pager and Zack Colman, “Biden to tap former Michigan Gov. Granholm to lead Energy Department,” Politico, 12/15/20)
“Granholm has sought to position herself as a figure who can help U.S. industry transition to a clean energy economy …” “Granholm has sought to position herself as a figure who can help U.S. industry transition to a clean energy economy, a process that Biden has made one his top four goals. ‘[T]he private sector needs greater support and political will from our policymakers to help us fully realize the potential of a zero-carbon future,” Granholm wrote in a Nov. 7 op-ed in The Detroit News. “The economics are clear: The time for a low-carbon recovery is now.” Tyler Pager and Zack Colman, “Biden to tap former Michigan Gov. Granholm to lead Energy Department,” Politico, 12/15/20)
Watch Granholm’s full testimony before the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee