Stop lying 🤥 on electric bill ⚡️ hikes - TEA



Stop lying 🤥 on electric bill ⚡️ hikes

Reports all across the county are predicting sky-rocketing electricity rates going into the summer months. Some areas are facing as much as a 30 percent spike in electric bills this summer.

There are some obvious reasons for prices going up—like increased demand as Americans crank up their air conditioning during the hot summer months. But, the Green New Deal crowd would have you believe that these price hikes are because energy sources like natural gas are too expensive. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The real reason Americans are still facing astronomical energy costs is the Biden Administration’s attacks on America’s natural gas and oil industry at every turn. Just recently, Biden’s EPA proposed the first ever controls on emission from existing power plants. They are trying to choke out affordable and reliable energy sources here at home by regulating coal and natural gas plants out of existence. And, the other side of that coin, they continue to subsidize wind and solar energy, which only drives up energy costs like electricity bills, for consumers and makes the United States dependent on China.

The United States already leads the world in lowering emissions and pursuing solutions like carbon capture. We need to do more to incentivize, not harm, American energy producers. But, President Biden and the EPA seem intent on punishing natural gas and oil companies while also blaming them for high prices. This will hurt farmers, small businesses—who employ 80% plus of America’s workforce—and millions upon millions of low- and middle-income wage earners the most.

For an energy plan that will lower costs for everyday Americans, check out TEA’s Common Sense Energy Agenda.