
Common Sense Energy: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Your Weekly Dose of “Common Sense“ Energy News
Brought to you by: The Empowerment Alliance
August 13th, 2021

This week’s “Common Sense” goes to a We Predict study for pointing out another flaw in Joe Biden’s plan to drastically steer America towards electric vehicles: It costs far more to service electric vehicles than it costs to service gas-powered vehicles. According to the study, electric vehicles were 2.3 times more expensive to service than gas-powered vehicles after three months of ownership. And even after one year, they are 1.6 times more expensive. These increased costs are on top of the average electric car costing $55,000 vs. $36,000 for a gas-powered car.
Bottom Line: Joe Biden should not be forcing electric vehicles onto working class Americans at a time when the technology is not advanced enough to prevent creating undue financial stress, especially with inflation at a 13-year high.

This week’s “Nonsense” goes to Joe Biden for playing the blame game by claiming OPEC production cuts and possible market manipulation are the reason for high gas prices. The reality is that he is refusing to leverage domestic oil producers. Biden has issued a wide-ranging moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal land.
Bottom Line: If Biden doesn’t want to plea with OPEC to lower costs, he shouldn’t be waging war on our fossil fuel industry and putting thousands of families out of work by cancelling the Keystone Pipeline in the process. But if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

Americans are paying $3.19 on average for a gallon of gas. It was $2.18 one year ago.

EPA Tribal Forum: From Monday, August 16, to Thursday, August 19, the EPA will host the 2021 Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF): A Virtual Gathering “to build strong relationships with our Tribal partners and support them in protecting and restoring their land.”
Enjoy recess!!
TEA Member of the Week
Today’s featured TEA member is Ohio State Senator Michael Rulli, who signed TEA’s Declaration of Energy Independence. Learn more about Senator Rulli HERE.
And to learn more about the declaration, visit www.empoweringamerica.org. Want to participate in the video series? Send us an email at [email protected]!