
Afternoon TEA: American Families Shouldn’t Have to Pay for China’s Pollution
Did you know?
The Green New Deal proposes a seemingly lofty goal of cutting U.S. emissions so that the world warms no more than 2.7 Degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. However, there is a catch—the U.S. already leads the world in emissions reductions and the rest of the globe would need to halve their emissions by 2030 to hit that goal.

And, the fact is global emissions only continue to rise. Pollution that drifts across the Pacific from countries like China even lands in the U.S. and sets back our progress!
The ingenuity of the American people and our abundant domestic energy sources like natural gas have allowed the U.S. to achieve energy independence that has fueled our economy and decreased our reliance on unstable foreign sources—all while leading the world environmentally. Schemes like the Green New Deal would only punish American families for these amazing achievements while doing nothing to hold foreign countries accountable.
We’d like to know. Do you think American families should bear the burden for pollution from other countries like China?