The Engine of American Success - TEA



The Engine of American Success

As we celebrate Labor Day, TEA would like to thank all the energy workers that keep our lights on, keep us moving and keep the rest of our country working. The energy industry that brings us truly American energy like natural gas is a truly American success story that has built this great country we live in today.

Energy provides the foundation and the opportunity for all our successes. Jobs in the energy industry literally power job creation elsewhere. For every job in the oil and natural gas industry, nearly 4 other jobs are created in other sectors.

And, American energy jobs provide pay and opportunities that fuel lives and careers. A July 2020 study by North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU), found that, “Energy sector jobs and energy sector construction jobs provide Americans without a college education a vital pathway to middle class careers and living standards.” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the oil and gas industry provides an average annual salary over $100,000—nearly twice the average pay for other jobs in private industry.

So, as you enjoy the holiday weekend, take a moment to celebrate the energy workers that work hard for all of us. And, celebrate the energy they provide like Natural Gas that Works for America. For more information, check out TEA’s “Natural Gas Fuels Jobs” Factsheet.