
The Golden State is going dark
Your Weekly Dose of “Common Sense” Energy News Presented by: The Empowerment Alliance
February 17th, 2023

- American natural gas is the world’s most affordable, reliable, safe, green, and clean energy. America’s energy independence and national security depends on it.
- Opinion: The value of natural gas examined.
- Fires caused by lithium batteries on the rise.
- Oregon city latest to ban gas hook-ups in new builds.
- Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants to ban cash.
- Biden is selling 26 million barrels more from SPR.

There has been a lot of talk lately about so-called renewable sources of energy: Wind, solar and the push for more electric cars.
Many in the green-at-all cost crowd and their mainstream media counterparts want you to believe their credo because they apparently hate the idea of domestic energy independence. The current administration wants to keep all U.S. natural resources — including abundant natural gas — that could be strategic energy assets in the ground.
If the Biden administration and others pushing renewables really want to help the planet they should go after China and other top emitters, rather than penalizing working Americans.
Natural gas is responsible for 61 percent of CO2 reductions in U.S. electricity generation. That means less air pollution and a cleaner country.
A few more facts:
- In an historic vote, Ohio became the first state to declare that Natural Gas is GREEN. More states should follow suit in 2023.
- Natural gas is humanity’s safest bridge to our long-term energy needs because it is the only clean, affordable and reliable source.
- Natural gas has and will continue to reduce emissions faster than wind and solar.
- You can’t make renewables without hydrocarbons.
Even a former Clinton administration staffer acknowledges the value of natural gas. This column in The Hill by Paul Bledsoe makes some good points regardingmaximizing the climate benefits of natural gas exports, echoing the same argument we’ve been making at The Empowerment Alliance.
America has centuries of natural gas in reserve. Federal subsidies have propped up wind and solar companies for years. And, that’s why natural gas is the only source of energy that checks every single box — clean, affordable and reliable.
Bottom Line: Natural gas offers America and the world the greatest opportunity to reduce emissions and combat environmental harm. And it’s abundant, so there is plenty for domestic use and exports.

California’s electric grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables and electric vehicles, experts say. Talk about mortgaging your future in the name of climate hysteria.
First, a few key points:
- California’s electric grid faces years of potential blackouts and failure as state leaders continue pushing aggressive measures to transition to renewable energy sources, policy experts say.
- The state’s grid, which is still mainly powered by fossil fuels, is undergoing a major shift from natural gas and coal power to renewable power like wind and solar.
- Simultaneously, state officials are pushing an electrification of the economy, particularly in the transportation sector through electric vehicle mandates, which is expected to increase strain on the grid.
This effort is being led by presidential hopeful Governor Gavin Newsom. Some are already pointing out how ridiculous this plan is, and the inevitable burden placed on California’s consumers.
“They’re going to have to build an outrageous amount of wind and solar in a very short time if they want to accomplish their objectives of electrifying — our whole transportation sector and our whole home heating and cooling and residential sector,” Edward Ring, a senior fellow with and co-founder of the California Policy Center, said. He added, “There’s a burden to the consumer that’s going to get very heavy.”
But Newsom has plenty of allies in Washington. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is on record as backing regulations that California’s state government approved in August banning the sale of new gas-powered cars after 2034.
What Gov. Newsom and the green-at-all-costs movement is doing to California is incredibly dangerous to its residents. But if he becomes the Democratic presidential nominee next year, think of the potential catastrophe that lies ahead for American consumers nationwide, should he be elected.
Bottom Line: In the same week, California banned gasoline powered cars, then told residents not to charge EVs due to grid strain. By continuing to shut down reliable energy sources, Newsom is acting like an arsonist in charge of the fire department.

Gas prices stayed relatively stable this week, with the national average dipping one cent down to $3.42. Taking a closer look at the data, there’s wide disparity on what you’re paying at the pump depending on what part of the country you live in. Average gas prices in Florida dropped nearly 10 cents over the past week, while residents in Colorado are paying 13 cents more than they were a week ago. Right now, 9/10 most expensive markets in the country are West of the Mississippi, with the exception being Pennsylvania, thanks to the state’s third highest gas tax.

Nothing on the calendar for next week, enjoy your Presidents Day!

“First, they went after your gas car. Then, they went after your gas stove. Now, they are going after your washer and fridge. What’s next?”
— Daniel Turner, Executive Director of Power the Future in The Hill.
The oil and gas industry is under attack, and we need to fight back against the green-at-all-costs movement to make sure our right to clean, reliable, affordable energy is protected. Click the button below to send a tweet to Congressional leadership telling them you support NATURAL GAS!